Travel insurance for Canadians 2022 | A1insure

 We’ve searched the web for years to find the right travel insurance policy, and we found them. And that was before COVID-19 hit, so now, with travel restrictions still in place and safety protocols being implemented by most companies, it can be more important than ever for us Canadians to have a plan in place to prevent an adventure getting ruined or cancelled. The first step is finding a product you trust, but which also offers coverage that meets your needs. Our expert team will go through each of your options carefully to ensure you get the coverage that suits you best. After all, no one can predict what’s likely going on right now. It’s not about your circumstances, though – you’ll feel prepared regardless of how uncertain times are. So whether you’re looking for something cheap or one with a good reputation, check out this comprehensive guide to help.

Travel insurance
Travel insurance for Canadians 

Here’s why our clients feel confident they have peace of mind when travelling online.

1. Comprehensive coverage:

You don’t need worry if you’re traveling on business, international trips, road trips or vacations, or even during a pandemic. Although some businesses have introduced temporary policies, we’re pleased to see that most other companies recognize there’s nothing stopping you from taking care of your health and safety. In fact, many businesses now offer plans that span far beyond the usual trip coverages, including medical emergencies, emergency accommodation, cancellation and much more. These are all features of every type of plan you can think of.

2. You can choose any number of benefits:

Most businesses cover certain activities – from sightseeing to air ambulance – and more. But if you wish to get more flexible benefits, as long as you pay attention to the details, you can do that too. Not only does that provide you with more flexibility, but companies like Teton Marine Life make sure you know how much money you’ll receive from various kinds of coverage. Check out our list of top travel insurance providers today.

3. You decide who takes part in your trip:

You can choose who pays your expenses during your trips, or you can let your company’s staff take care of that aspect of your trip. If that sounds interesting to you, ask the sales manager at your company to book an onboard credit card reader that allows customers to use another individual’s bank account. The advantage is not only good for you, but it helps protect the customer from scams. Plus, this service can save time and fuel costs for everyone involved. There are plenty of different types of accounts for business or leisure travel, which means that choosing an account that meets your needs doesn’t have to cost you time or effort. As such, we make sure our clients always have good experiences when booking travel protection.

4. Your family can share expenses:

Every trip is unique to its owner. What type of plan should fit your budget and lifestyle? Whatever you decide, if you plan to take care of your loved ones while you're away, these plans provide peace of mind.

5. A claim adjuster handles everything:

When you cancel your trip, consider adding a claims adjuster. With one, they handle all of your things – like flight cancellations, hotel transfers and car rentals among others – and work with your agent to provide you quick answers to questions you might have. When you’ve made everything necessary to get home safely, you can expect a prompt response at all times. This saves you both time and stress. We recommend working with a trusted agency, like Trip Canceller.

6. Safety is paramount:

When traveling, as well as in all industries, you want to leave yourself and your belongings well protected, from theft and to just basic personal safety. Even so, make sure you understand exactly what kind of risk you’re posing yourself on. For example, it’s not uncommon for people to be robbed while on vacation in other countries. Fortunately, we have resources that let you learn more about a variety of strategies to lower risks. Whether you’re thinking about staying in an Airbnb rental or staying at a resort, we make sure our customers will be able to rest assured if their plans fall into the category of safe and enjoyable.

7. We’ve seen this happen before:

You could find yourself in trouble again and again for canceling, especially when you have the resources to stay put in terms of the holiday season and the events you attend. However, if you happen to have contingency funds available – perhaps you have enough cash to pull off flights with extra protection – then you can expect nothing short of excellent service with a very low overall price. Of course, a plan that meets your needs won’t guarantee things won't go wrong. But we have all the tools available to help keep you satisfied.

8. All travellers must take the same precautions:

One way we help ensure that all travellers follow basic safety protocols that minimize potential risks is by partnering with global agencies like Health Canada – we recommend using them – to provide advice around specific health and wellness risks you’ll face throughout your trip. Of course, it’s critical as well that your coverage covers anything else at all. Like regular life and death coverages, your travel insurance should provide anything that makes you sick, like dental care and even mental health care, because sometimes having access to medical assistance of your own helps protect you in unfortunate situations. Get a new policy.

9. Be upfront about your health conditions and lifestyle choices:

While insurance companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of health, some insurers refuse their services because of past accidents, illness or injuries. That can mean your health insurance is either unable to cover your trips or refuses to cover them altogether. While we’re not here to defend against health insurers refusing coverage in general, we ensure your coverage will be up to date with the latest trends. Make it clear to us if you need help figuring out your plan and, in the meantime, you should speak with a licensed underwriter in your area.

10. Receive instant coverage:

Don’t give up the chance of securing insurance after spending days shopping for products and trying to figure out a policy you just may never buy. Instead, be ready to accept immediate coverage when the market opens up in order to prepare for unexpected delays in getting coverage.code

Keep in mind that purchasing a policy that includes the coronavirus requires several additional steps. Many insurers provide refunds and exchanges immediately during the height of the crisis. Others wait until afterward to refund customers. Regardless of which route you choose, however, it’s clear you should consider making sure you never miss out on opportunities to get coverage.

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